Prints + Chips is realized as a unit of styles being presented by artists using gaming systems, communication platforms. Each work reveals the relationship between production and object specificity. As a dialogue Prints + Chips looks at the temporality of mediums and the fluidity of the concepts as objects being realized by artist using computer or electronic mediums.

June 20 – July 27 2002 / OPENING RECEPTION: JUNE 22, 2002
Cory Arcangel, Yucef Merhi, Radical Software Group, Yael Kanerek, Jeff Gompertz feat Tomek, Willy Le Maitre & Eric Rosenzveig, Carlo Zanni aka “Beta”
GUEST CURATOR: Michele Thursz
Prints + Chips is realized as a unit of styles being presented by artists using gaming systems, communication platforms. Each work reveals the relationship between production and object specificity. As a dialogue Prints + Chips looks at the temporality of mediums and the fluidity of the concepts as objects being realized by artist using computer or electronic mediums.
Carlo Zanni: icon portraits, act as a bridge in the discussion of the temporality of the new media artist practice. Zanni presents six icons as temporal objects, magnifying the materiality lying in the midst of the files. The contents and in the uses of the file presents as an installation. icon portrait is presented as printed matter in the gallery space, and as a persona installation on the desktop. In considering this new object, the use the files and communication platforms Yael Kanarek, Jeff Gompertz (aka Fakeshop) feat Tomek, Willy Le Maitre & Eric Rosenzveig represent in “Prints” that identify the varied uses of communication platforms relating to the practices of printed mediums as documentation, editing, and producing one of a kind objects from net environments/off site algorithmic installation.
Cory Arcangel (aka beige) feat Paul Davis, Yucef Merhi, RSG represent in “Chips” as three sculptural installations that use popular or retro gaming system as found objects that have been reverse engineered, manipulated to produce cinematic, and poetic objects.
Prints+ Chips presents the different styles of new media artist practice as temporal in the nature of distribution, an object
specific in realization.
RSG (aka Alex Galloway): 2X2, is an artist’s edition of animated films for the Nintendo Game Boy console. Each piece
contains a linear animation based on a feature film. The film is degraded to a resolution of two pixels tall by two pixels wide,
then reformed to fit the Game Boy screen.
Cory Arcangel (aka beige) feat Paul Davis: Super Mario Brothers Cartridge that has been reverse engineered to display a panorama photograph. This magnified journey is accompanied by a composition rendered on the Nintendo’s internal sound hardware by technical and musical collaborator Paul Davis. This work was sponsored by Harvestworks and made possible with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency.
Yucef Merhi: Reveals poetic constructions in his Atari Poetry I, 2001 comprised of an Atari game console called Video Computer System (VCS) and an Atari cartridge, creating cinematic poetry, written by the artist.
Carlo Zanni: Presents a new portrait Icon Portraits revealing the traditional practice of pictorial portraits through the use of files. These unique portrait are multifaceted by the nature of the files use as tools to personalize your desktop, link folders, software and WebPages revealing a new perspective to the portrait as object.
Yael Kanarek: Presents two Nowheres from a series of outputs from the 3D environments that were created for World of Awe. Each image is an one-of-a-kind rendering superimposed by a drawing of tracking data left by visitors to the traveler’s journal.
Willy Le Maitre & Eric Rosenzveig: Present by-products from the Appearance Machine an off site on-line media machine. Window Shell is a light-box comprised of video stills wrapped around semi-transparent video cases, each representing a single voluminous moment from the Appearance Machine’s activity. http://w—
Jeff Gompertz (aka Fakeshop) feat Tomek: Present Rabalski Print a register of stills from performances streamed on-line these edits show the interrelationship between what is seen as documentation and what is shown as captured still or one of a kind pictorial narrative.
Prints + Chips is presented at bitforms, nyc in collaboration with the practice of Post Media Network. Post Media is an action demonstrating the continuous evolution of the term and uses of media. The network refers to the actions of collaboration, representation, and the marketable utilization of all media.