International film maker and artist Bigas Luna will have his first solo NYC show and introduce the Microcosmos project at bitforms gallery. The origin of the Microcosmos project is found in Cares de l’anima (faces of the soul), a set of small format works which were created following several techniques (drawing, collage, watercolour). In these works Bigas Luna wants to give shape to the different faces that the human soul may show.

SHOW DATES: 4 8 05 – 5 14 05 OPENING RECEPTION: 4 8 02, 6-8PM
International film maker and artist Bigas Luna will have his first solo NYC show and introduce the Microcosmos project at bitforms gallery. The origin of the Microcosmos project is found in Cares de l’anima (faces of the soul), a set of small format works which were created following several techniques (drawing, collage, watercolour). In these works Bigas Luna wants to give shape to the different faces that the human soul may show.
Microcosmos is born from the idea of creating an individual piece from a part of one of the faces. From the desgregation of the whole face new shapes may be created, all of them possessing new significances: those “microcosmos” that will appear from an accidental selection of a fragment.
The way to create these microcosmos is by means of the website (2.0 version of this website is shown in the exhibition). Taking the idea of Joseph Beuys that “every man is an artist”, visitor will act as a creator so that he will select a concrete section of the whole face in order to conform a Microcosmos conceived as an autonomous entity. In this respect, Microcosmos is artwork in constant change, the visitor is the creator. Microcosmos’ digital magnifying glass allows the selected image to be visualised in real-time in an imagined space. Visitors will have the choice to choose from over 25 original face drawings and will be able to visualize the selected fragment in different contexts. Once the fragment has been chosen, it can be purchased through the website. More than one fragment can be chosen from each original, but only one print from the fragment is offered. When the fragment is received by the collector, the original drawing will also be delivered.